I am honored to be a speaker at TEDin Arabic in Qatar. TED and Qatar Foundation are hosting a two-day TEDinArabic Summit in Doha, Qatar, on March 18-19, 2023. This event provides a global platform for thinkers, researchers, artists, and change-makers across the Arabic-speaking world to share their ideas with a global audience.
The event's theme is “The Butterfly Effect”.
The butterfly effect is so subtle, it cannot be seen. Yet it reminds us that individual efforts to create change and craft a better world can really add up. Join us as we celebrate the breadth of ideas and innovation currently springing up across the Arab world— while also recognizing and embracing the exquisite agony of challenges to come. Together, we will affirm that the butterfly effect is eternal.
Scan the QR code to register.
Or follow this link for registration
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